List of Symbols
Page XIX:
add symbol:
c volume translation parameter m3 mol-1
Page 23:
upper case "V" instead of lower case "v"
upper case "V" instead of lower case "v"
Page 24:
upper case "V" instead of lower case "v"
upper case "V" instead of lower case "v"
Page 25:
upper case "V" instead of lower case "v"
Page 26:
multiple times upper case "V" instead of lower case "v"
Page 27:
multiple times upper case "V" instead of lower case "v"
Page 29:
"third" instead of "second"
Page 30:
"2.5.4" instead of "2.4.4"
"2.5.4" instead of "2.4.4"
Page 42:
upper case "V" instead of lower case "v"
Page 43:
upper case exponent "V" instead of lower case "v"
multiple times upper case "V" instead of lower case "v"
Page 56:
minus sign instead of multiplication sign
multiple times upper case "V" instead of lower case "v"
Page 62:
reference replaced by:
Kunz, O., Wagner, W., (2012) The GERG-2008 Wide-Range Equation of State for Natural Gases and Other Mixtures: An Expansion of GERG-2004, J. Chem. Eng. Data 57, 3032-3091.
Page 74: Eq. (3.12)
replaced by
Page 83:
multiple times upper case "V" instead of lower case "v"
Page 89:
"9.42208" replaced by "9.4797"
Page 95:
"v" replaced by "v*"
Page 99:
multiple times upper case "V" instead of lower case "v"
Page 100:
upper case "V" instead of lower case "v"
Page 101: Table 3.4 and text
multiple times upper case "V" instead of lower case "v"
Page 117:
replace "2.5635" by "-2.5635"
Page 122:
replace "1.4131" by "1.4134"
Page 126:
replace "F" by "f"
replace "B" by "D"
Page 142:
replace "2.006" by "2.929"
Page 150: (below Eq. (4.9))
"mole numbers" instead of "concentrations"
Page 153:
"-" instead of "+"
Page 160:
replace by
Page 165: below Table 4.2
replace "ai" by "aii" and "aj" by "ajj"
Add to the right of this equation: "(see Eq. (2.162))"
Page 166:
no font change
Page 232:
Insert after"5.11": "(see Eq. (5.35)"
Page 264:
symbols for He and N2 in shades of grey matching the diagram
symbol forH2 in shade of grey matching the diagram
Page 292:
replace "Gibbs energy (gE)" by "excess Gibbs energy (GE)
Page 379:
In Fig. 7.5 above "Molecule at center" it must read
τcm instead of
Page 381:
In Equ. 7.80, the equal sign is missing.
Page 422 under Solution:
replace "1.313" by "1.437"
replace "-1.313" by "-1.437"
replace "quite good" by "qualitative"
Page 423:
Replace Fig. 8.10a by the following:
replace "-1.313" by "-1.437"
replace "parameters" by "properties (Tm,
replace "8.10" by "8.10b"
Page 429:
replace "6.277"by "6.279"
Page 543:
replace "1.075" by "1.075 atm-1"
Page 629:
replace both "T" by "T/K"
replace both "C/T" by
replace both "E/T" by
Page 631:
replace four times "T" by "T/K"
Page 633:
change the right hand side of the equation to
Page 666:
upper case "V" instead of lower case "v"
Page 669:
change "yiyj"
to "zizj"
change "yi" to "zi"
Page 677:
add "=" in front of each of the three lines
Page 679:
replace equation line (C248) by
replace equation line (C249) by
add "association model 573-586"
add "consistency test 221ff"
add "critical data 66-71"
add "density 94-97"
add after "enthalpy of reaction": " - of fusion 74-75"
add "gas solubilities 259-273"
add "heat capacity 102-113"
add "melting point 74-77"
add "normal boiling point 72-74"
add to NRTL model: 289
add "thermal conductivity 125-133"
add after "vapor–liquid equilibrium (VLE)": " - consistency test 221 ff"
add "viscosity 114-124"
add after "volume-translated Peng–Robinson equation": "- volume translation 55-57"